Friday, August 26, 2011

Dear Lizards

I urged people to look beyond your obvious ugliness
Into your hearts, your soul, and nothing less
I coochie-cooed your babies
Not worrying about rabies
And never once hit you with a fly swatter
Or splashed  you off the wall with water
I felt the pain in your beady eyes
Which remained blank, unaffected by surprise
To be shunned by entire mankind, I thought
Must be like burning in hell .. hot
I never let your pukey green exterior
Make me feel superior
You were an equal, as equal as a dog
But obviously my vision was affected by fog
Ungrateful little dinosaur
I was so wrong before

You are creepy, slimy and loathed by all
And you rewarded me with a fall
Pachakk on my face
With such uncalled-for grace
Run little reptile
For you have made me vile
You just lost your last friend
Could this perhaps be your end?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Staring at the laptop screen
Bright White Light
Words spindle across like ten-legged spiders
Disturbing the snow-like pixels for a moment
Every now and then a *ping*
Snapping out of the trance
The cold blast from the air conditioner suddenly makes its presence felt
Distant snores rumble, shaking the silence ever so slightly
The clock running in a circle: 4 am
When did I awaken?
When did I sleep?
Trapped in a dream
Hands click clacking on worn out letters, rebelling
Against the beholder
Against the dark clutches of sleep
Against the glowing silhouette of the morning