Sunday, April 29, 2012

Heat Eats

I know this isn't a very Nada-like post, but all that's been on my mind lately is the heat- quite literally. People combat summer in different ways: some sit in air-tight, air-conditioned rooms all day, others go to the pool and some just go away to a galaxy far far away (read: hill stations).

I refuse to switch on the AC all day- it is bad. It screws up your electricity bill, makes people mad and worst of all, traps you, pulls you into its cooling, calming, breezy clutches and turns you into a couch potato. Since I'm already unemployed, this is the last thing I need. Uninspiring piece of technology. (Note to AC: I love you, please do not take these words seriously).

So like I have so obviously indicated, most peoples' summer weapons are not suited to me. Or you. So, my awesome ways of dealing with the icky and the sticky and the sweaty:

1. Good ol' icecream: My personal favourite this season is Creambell Strawberry joos-stick: I know most strawberry flavoured stuff tends to be excessively sweet and disgusting but this is different. It's a never-ending (more like 3 minute) affair of sucking on one of the juiciest, nomnomiest fruits. Bonus: It has real strawberry pieces!

My second favourite is the ice-cream sandwich. Partly because it's awesome: vanilla ice cream wedged between two mildly chocolate flavoured biscuits: the simplicity of this product is what makes it brilliant. The other reason is of course because I get to say (even if it is only to the ice cream man) "get me a sammmich!"

2. Lemonade- more like lemon aid, a temporary relief from the scorching sun. Apart from the obvious home-made one, Nescafe stalls have the next best thing. Nimbuzz and Minute Maid are other options- not really my cup of lemonade though.

So this summer, here's wishing life gives you many many lemons. Not Liz Lemon. No.

3. Ice: I'm not kidding. I learned this from Diego,  my labrador. One of his favourite summer pastimes is to sit on the cold floor and gnaw on ice. The fun of it is to grind it into little pieces and consume it before it turns into water. It's quite an entertaining game actually. Go tell that piece of ice who's boss! Now

4. Fruit! Yes you unhealthy ice-cream munchers- eat watermelon and musk melon and grapes and the citrus family. Go green and stay lean (also clean- just shower, please).

5. Be a Rabbit and eat a carrit. They're crunchy and sweet and healthy and what better way to spend a summer than as a bunny? (If you disagree, think of bunnies multiplying and you will see the light. However, do not further popular the earth. More people= more sweat).

6. Gum or anything minty. After-eight, mint oreo shakes. And although you can't technically classify this as an eatable, Garnier mint face wash: it just makes your face really cold. Good cold. Not dead cold. If it does wonders on the surface, what about the inside? Imagine the cool liquid sliding down your intestines. I take absolutely no responsibility if you do try  this- but let me know! (if you are in a position to).

7. Drunkardsss don't you worry. Whereas whisky and rum and vodka will burn your innards, beer and G&T will not. So stop being snobs and drink your beer like a sir.

I'm done thinking now. For I must slumber.
Before I write things dumber
With my dear friend, le air conditioner

4:29 am; Sign off!